Community | PKM Interplay - LYT and BASB

This read is part of Community, an intended series of essays where I share my thoughts and experiences about communities emerging from PKM (personal knowledge management endeavors) and cohort-based courses (CBCs).

TL;dr. When finding out that BASB’s Tiago Forte enrolled in the next LYT Workshop, I shared thoughts with the BASB community platform (using Circle) - about how BASB and LYT co-exist for me. I was introduced to BASB before LYT. Below I’ve edited and updated excerpts from a few of my BASB Circle posts.

Community | PKM and Cohort-Based Courses

Thank you for being part of this journey, Community, an intended series of essays where I share my thoughts and experiences about communities emerging from PKM (personal knowledge management endeavors) and cohort-based courses (CBCs).

I consider this PKM Interplay - where I have cobbled the various sources of approaches, methods, and philosophies about PKM - directly, indirectly, and even seemingly unrelated.

Upcoming essays will be repurposed from content I have shared within CBCs, emails to friends, and excerpts of transcribed conversations (thanks Otter!).

Brackish Swimming

Interacting in an environment where distinct or disparate entities meet. ~ Shirley F. Rivera
A person engages in brackish swimming when commingling among different entities.

Familiar with this? Entities can be people from different generations - think family gatherings. Entities can be those with opposing views and beliefs - think political parties.


Why not a combination of all of the above?!

Strengths | Lived Experiences Meets CliftonStrengths

Strengths | Lived Experiences Meets CliftonStrengths

The following is an overview of my CliftonStrengths assessment. It is one of several professional and personal development assessments (e.g., DISC, Myers-Briggs, 360 Feedback, etc.) administered throughout my career.

“When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ~ Audre Lorde The throughline that weaves together how I can understand and navigate my lived experiences is Belief, 7 among my 34 strengths. . . .

Refreshing My Second Brain and 12 Faves

My 12 Favorite Problems.

1. How can trust and transparency be cultivated among the public, government, and businesses toward environmental justice? 2. How can I self-regulate my reactions to those who are dishonest and hurtful to others? 3. How can I help people discover their ikigai as part of their self-reflection, habits formation, and movements in life? 4. …

Feral Improviser

Feral Improviser

Thank you for being part of this journey, Feral Improviser, a sporadic series of essays where I discover my made-up thoughts on the improviser diaspora. Here, you can agree, disagree, and debate. Truth. Fiction. Semi-Fictional. Does it matter? You tell me.

If cats can be categorized based on their needs and emerging lifestyle, why not improvisers?