BEING ME . my ikigai-KAN
my intersecting PURSUITS



Interplay - sensemaking among the unexpected.
~ Shirley Rivera

I pursue the interplay of My interests . . .

. . . and here is one way I express how they relate.

I think of each pursuit as a porous sphere. Individually or intersecting with one or several pursuits as I move through life.

At any time during a day, I can describe my experiences in relation to my roles in these areas -

  • Resource Catalysts - think Air Quality, Energy Projects, Environmental Communications

  • Anthrocubeology - think Applied Improvisation, Behavior Design, Tiny Habits®, (2020 update) Ikigai Tribe Coach

  • Creative Expression - Curating, Improvising, Speaking, Storytelling, Writing

  • Colorized - Code Switch, Colorism, Culture

  • Being Me, aka Breath - think Family, Friends, Health, Service

Origin of the spheres. This emerged in the first cohort (May 2019) of Write of Passage. One assignment was to create a newsletter. With the intent of updating friends and colleagues about my activities, the Venn diagram was my initial way of communicating the multiple areas for which I've been pursuing.